





DEC 8, 2009


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This device illustrates a simple breach lock mechanism composed from 1/16" aluminum sheet and press fit aluminum tubes as fasteners.


Wanting to avoid something of low mass/strength, I wanted to create a system that would require layering to create volume. Also, finding an interest in locking systems, I wanted to create something that would lock and unlock in a satisfying yet easy way.


I achieved these two goals by creating this locking system that involved these two interlocking rings. When the two rings are inserted into each-other and twisted, they become locked together as one. I sandwiched multiple layers of aluminum together to create the required thicknesses and wall values for this locking system to function.


Constructing this by circles was an incredible challenge due to the increasing dimensions of the circumference. In order to have the high tolerance components be stitched together, I used the jig I created from the last metals project as a fastener allowing the natural tension of the various aluminum bands to act as its own form solidarity. No screws or threads required in assembling this piece.





