





FEB 12, 2010


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This series of 10 prints is a study of volume, shapes & textures from man made materials in aesthetically simple yet pleasing compositions. The title "Archicompotectonics", where 'compo' means the composition of materials and "tectonic" pertains to constructing or architecture.


The compositions are graphically oriented to share the properties of the square format. Elements used within this set utilizes equal proportions, symmetry, repetition, and planarity, all relatable to the very format that all these images are contained in. The square traits that this series uses creates ultra stable, clean and solid graphical compositions.


This series is achieved by abstracting man made locations to reduce what is on the image plane to simplistic geometric forms to create new dynamic arrangements that display volume & textures in a non-objectivist kind of way.

Photographed with a Kiev 88 medium format camera with a 80mm lens on Tri-X 100 film. Printed on matte archival fiber paper.





