





FEB 12, 2010








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This is my final thesis for my Russian Art & Architecture class I had taken this wintersession.


This is an architectural rendering concept based off of Lyubov Popova’s, “Painterly Architectonic 1918” oil painting. Popova would describe her series of paintings at the time as “constructions” where the orientation of lines and volumes in a simplistic format could suggest something of 3 Dimensional energetic values. Popova would call these implied constructions “Painterly Architectonics”.


The process in constructing this building was extracting the shapes directly off of one of the “Painterly Architectonic 1918” painting and started pushing and pulling the shape planes in a three Dimensional space allowing a literal and physical dictation of the space Popova was conveying through simplistic two Dimensional graphics. Once I had the planes sketched out accordingly, I began to apply functions to the spaces that were composed from the new model. Due to the irregular volumes that the angled planes have created, there are many opportunities for scenic outlooks and dynamic interiors.

I chose to make this architectural monument an expo hall for contemporary and historical artwork including films. I designated the lower floors of the structure to three-dimensional sculptures, the main floors designated to two-dimensional artwork, and the highest floors for café’s and the main cinema theater that overlooks the landscape.


Its immense proportions and material usage also reflects on Vladimir Tatlin’s Monument to the Third International’s constructivist’s principals where material choices reflect the people’s views as well as providing function to society.


This project was modeled with the Blender3D software package and rendered with Maxwell renderer.





